There's something for everyone at these fun and informative events in Bali. Ubud does a couple of particularly great festivals but this list includes other events elsewhere in Bali too.

29-30 March 2025 Ogoh Ogoh Parades and Nyepi BALI-WIDE
Nyepi is the day of silence, and everyone, including tourists, are expected to stay indoors and maintain silence. The purpose is for reflection on the previous year, introspection and tranquility. The idea is that the demons pass over on this day and, hearing no commotion, fly away without bringing any problems in the new year. The day before Nyepi is New Year's Eve and its a riot! Enormous and grotesque puppets representing 'ogoh-ogoh' (demons) are paraded through the streets of every village from around 6pm that evening, to be burnt before New Years Day. You will catch the parade in most places in Bali. Three days before Nyepi is Melasti, which is a ritual to cleanse and purify. Pilgrims in white and yellow carry temple heirlooms and offerings along many beaches in Bali from the early morning.
23 April and 30 May 2025 Galungan and Kuningan BALI-WIDE
Galungan signifies the triumph of ‘dharma’ over ‘adharma’ (good over evil), and Kuningan is the day ancient spirits return. Distinctive ‘penjor’ - tall bamboo poles - are placed in front of homes and the Balinese sacrificial contributions, prayer and dance to welcome and honour the gods and spirits. Look out for the pretty and colourful penjor everywhere in Ubud during this time, and see charming parades through villages. There are usually two of these in the calendar year, but depend of the Balinese Saka calendar. The second set is mostly in August.
7-11 May 2025 Bali Spirit Festival Ubud UBUD
Love all things spiritual? This one is for you. Eat, pray and love your way through three days of Yoga, Ecstatic Dance, Vegan Cooking Classes, breath work, 'healing', clairvoyancy, metaphysics and mediation. The festival is heavy on western style spirituality but does have a tiny dash of actual Balinese spiritual education.
24-25 May 2025 Thank God its Festival DENPASAR
Indonesian-musician oriented music, dance and arts festival in Bali's capital.
30 May - 1 June 2025 Ubud Food Festival UBUD

Masterclasses by international chefs, cocktail competitions, restaurant takeovers, talks on sustainability and providence, and a food market lover's heaven.
1-7 June 2025 Balinale - Bali Film Festival VARIOUS LOCATIONS
Becoming recognised internationally for its diverse programming, the festival covers feature films, documentaries and short films, shown at the cinema in the Park23 Creative Hub.
July 2025 Bali Arts Festival (no dates for 2025 yet) DENPASAR
Music Art and Culture celebrates Balinese talent and offers activities such as painting, handcraft, cooking classes, dance performances and concerts.
July 2025 Sanur Village Festival ('SanFest') SANUR
A lovely little village cultural festival with dance and music and food. I can't find the dates for this for 20245
End Jul 2025 Nusa Dua Light Festival NUSA DUA
The fiesta includes parades, live music, handicraft and food markets and little shows including cooking demonstrations.
1-2 August 2025 Ubud Jazz Festival UBUD
This small but well-run events covers local and international musicians offering 2 days of concerts over three stages, plus workshops and talks.
17 August 2025 Indonesia Independence Day NATION-WIDE
There are often parades and fireworks on this important day.
Mid August 2025 Bali Kite Festival SANUR

At the onset of the windy season, the sky of Bali is filled with multi coloured kites of all sizes. A competitive sport in Bali, kite flying heralds the rice harvest (they are flown to keep the birds away, or ask the gods for their blessing during the harvest, depending on who is telling you).
You can see the best kites around Sanur each weekend during August.
29 October -2 November 2025 Ubud Writers and Readers Festival UBUD

One of the worlds best literary events, and probably Asia's largest, this is an annual pilgrimage for lovers of literature.
Artists, authors, thinkers and performers are brought together for an amazing 4-day festival.